Breakfast and lunch for Thursday and Friday will be provided during Thursday’s pick up! We will not be open for pick up on Friday, we will provide both meals for Thursday and Friday at Thursday’s pick! 10:30-12:30 at CCHS, WES and FCE!

Feeding Program Information and Instructions!

Hooray!!! We received approval from the state to begin our feeding program! Trucks will deliver during the day on Monday food and supplies so we can begin on Tuesday! More details of when and where will be posted On social media Monday afternoon! #ChargerFamily

We are looking for areas in the county that may have WiFi access and would be willing to open there network to CCSD students! Maybe a church or other location where students can pull up and connect from their vehicle! Email us if you can help!

FCE now has an email address set up answer any questions or concerns while we are closed. Please feel free to email us with any questions and we will try and get them answered as soon as possible. Keep Charging Forward!

CCSD is in the process of getting answers to many questions regarding Seniors, grades, graduation, and many more! Please be patient as we work through these issues caused by COVID-19! Patience and prayers appreciated as we get through this together!

CCSD is in the process of getting our feeding program going! Stay tuned for an announcement of when and where coming soon!

Instructional opportunities and fun learning ideas will continue to be posted on social media outlets in the upcoming week. They are not required. We encourage family activities if you’re unable to access a device or internet.

Pre K and Kindergarten registration has been postponed until further notice. We will make an announcement when we have a new date.

CCSD will be closed next week to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. There will be no athletic events, practices or extracurricular activities of any kind. We ask everyone to exercise good hygiene and avoid crowds during this time. Stay safe and keep charging forward!

Choctaw County Schools will be extend spring break though next week out of caution to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. There will be no games, practices or extracurricular activities! The safety of not only our students is a priority but also our wonderful communities.

Due to the potential of bad weather CCSD will be dismissing today February 12,2020 at 2:30pm. Please stay safe and weather aware!

Due to flooded road conditions CCSD will operate on a 2 hour delay on Tuesday February 11, 2020. Bus drivers will use extra caution. Breakfast will not be served.

Due to the potential of flooding roads CCSD will be dismissing at 1:45pm. We will continue to monitor the weather throughout the evening! Be safe and weather aware!

Due to possible bad weather CCSD will dismiss at 1:15pm today 2-5-2020. Please stay safe and weather aware!

The flu virus is picking up steam in our state. Here are some ways to keep yourself and your family healthy during this peak flu season
1. Take the time to get your flu shot!
2. Wash your hands often with soap and water.
3. Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough.
4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Remember how germs are spread!
5. Try to avoid close contact with people who are sick.

FLU tip of the day😊: The flu virus is spread mainly by droplets made when someone with flu coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the nose or mouth of people standing nearby (yuck!). This is why it is very important to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze (we’ll talk about that in a few days). Symptoms of the flu include: fever (usually high), cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, and/or chills. Flu symptoms typically come on suddenly. Next week our focus will be on ways to prevent the flu and what to do if you get the flu☹ Have a great weekend and stay weather alert!

FLU tip of the day: The BEST way to protect you and your family from the flu is to get a yearly flu vaccine. Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older. If you’ve not already gotten a flu vaccine, it’s not too late! You can get a flu shot from your local doctor, health department, and many pharmacies offer them as well. Protect yourself and your family. Get vaccinated! Stay tuned tomorrow as we discuss signs and symptoms of the flu and how it spreads from person to person.

Did you know that Influenza (“the Flu”) is a highly contagious disease that can be SERIOUS?? According to the CDC, millions of people get sick every year from the flu and require hospitalization. Many adults and children die each year as a result of flu complications. Over the next few days, we will be sending tips to keep you and your family protected from the flu.

Welcome back students and teacher! You can’t get to summer break if you don’t start 2nd semester! Make it the best one yet! #GoChargers!